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Country Report Greece

The Greek Energy Market 101

Country Overview Greece is located in the Balkans peninsula, Southern-East Europe, where the mainland forms the southernmost part of the area, covering 132 km2 and bordering Bulgaria, Turkey, and Albania. The Greek coastline is the largest in Europe, with the mainland being mostly mountainous. The main differences are between East and North-West, where the former experiences
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Solar Panels
Solar professional and project developer John Fitzgerald Weaver explains to us how we fail at solar power generation projections. Projected lives of solar power plants are 50% longer than a decade ago. This is because we test our solar panels aggressively, and laser focus on facility failures once we build them. This has led some to highly rate the safety of solar power
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green transformation Denmark
With the aim of an overall green transformation of society, Denmark wants to show the rest of the world that climate action and economic recovery go hand in hand. Therefore, a broad majority in the Parliament has signed the climate agreement and the green transformation of the energy sector and industry, and we bring the seven Danish renewable energy milestones to look
sicily wind turbines
The first offshore wind farm in the Mediterranean Sea could soon be ready in the Sicilian channel, far out from the town of Marsala. The structure, 7seas med, will include 25 floating 10MW turbines. It will not be visible from the coast, as it is more than 35 km far from Marsala, Egadi Islands and Tunisia.
Solar Panel
Solar professional and project developer John Fitzgerald Weaver explains to us that innovation in Solar Panel industries comes from different angles.
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Renewable energy expert Gianni Silvestrini, Scientific Director of the Kyoto Club, provides us with insightful information on the green wave upon which Italy is reconstructing: the focus for the post-COVID scenario is green energy, solar community and innovation for PV systems.  According to the National Energy and Climate plan published in January 2020, Italy will have to install 31
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IHS Market is reporting that inverter replacements will total about 8.7 GW of capacity in 2020, representing up to 10% of all inverters sold.
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Solar Power
Module efficiencies will continue to increase, while the price of an individual module will stay the same. Not only will this hardware produce more power, it’ll work far longer — with predictions of 30-year module warranties, roughly the projected lifetime of gas assets.
Solar in Nordics
Top 3 fastest growing solar PV markets in the Nordics, highlighting Sweden, Denmark and Finland as the front-runners of the region.
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This post is the last part of our four-part series exploring how to value and diligence a solar development pipeline.
This post is part three of a four-part series exploring how to value and diligence a solar development pipeline.
Solar Panel
This post is part two of a four-part series exploring how to value and diligence a solar development pipeline.
This post is part one of a four-part series exploring how to value and diligence a solar development pipeline.
Elements of Solar Teaser
The 11 crucial elements of a solid solar project teaser by Green Dealflow.
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In the example, the return would vary from 5.8% to 8% to 11% for the same project – all depending on the definition of ”return” that we are using.
Solar Panel
Problems with panels can result in a production loss of up to 20%. We have listed the five most common problems with panels for you.
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PV Projects
A systematic evaluation of PV projects eases the transaction process. The PQ Rating assists decision-makers verifying the performance and quality of PV assets.
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Banks will usually focus on EPC contracts to reduce risks forcing manufacturers to expand scope beyond core competencies and increase project risks.
Clean energy
Jigar Shah: To ensure the best people and projects are securing the capital they deserve, here are 5 actions for clean energy entrepreneurs to avoid.
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Photovoltaic (PV) solar plants have emerged as much-desired assets drawing experienced investors looking for steady, reliable returns. But what is it that investors look for, or should look for, before considering a PV project? What Investors Look For in Solar PV Projects A quick straw poll would probably point to technology being the key differentiator.