Stay updated about the renewable energy industry and Green Dealflow


Picture of an offshore wind farm
Upcoming offshore wind auctions in 2024 2023 was a busy offshore wind auction year worldwide with more than 10 lease auctions and five support and off-take auctions have taken place. 2024 is currently setting itself up to become the busiest year in the offshore wind history ever according to Aegir Insights, who takes us through
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The optimal PV setup for agrivoltaics
Exploring the optimal PV setup for agrivoltaics Researchers at Aarhus University have analyzed three PV setups for the optimal setup for agrivoltaics. Through their comprehensive comparative analysis of sustainable energy and agriculture integration, we explore the optimal PV setup for agrivoltaics in Europe.  Table of Contents How to sustainably integrate energy and agriculture Solar photovoltaics (PV) have
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An evaluation of german battery storage
Automated evaluation of German battery storage The Battery Charts project brings a cutting-edge website that offers an automated evaluation of battery storage in Germany using data from the German Federal Network Agency’s public database (MaStR).This article gives a brief introduction to the different elements. Table of Contents German strides in battery storage The project is
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ENERGY STORAGE 4 alternatives to lithium-ion batteries currently exciting investors
4 alternatives to lithium-ion batteries currently exciting investors With lithium-ion batteries raising ESG-related concerns, investors are increasingly seeing value in long-duration energy storage. This article explores 4 alternatives to lithium-ion batteries currently exciting investors. Table of Contents Introduction It’s the question being asked by the biggest movers and shakers in the energy storage industry –
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How MACSE is optimizing the Italian market​
How MACSE is optimizing the Italian market Italy’s new MACSE mechanism, recently approved by the DGCOMP, is set to procure the bulk of long-duration storage. We give you a quick overview at how MACSE is set to optimize the Italian BESS market. Legislative support for energy storage systems​ In response to this necessity, Legislative Decree
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Why co-located storage is set to take off
Why co-located storage is set to take off Co-location of renewable assets with storage was rarely considered in the era of subsidies, but it is about to become the norm as investors seek to maximize the value of assets. We explore why co-located storage is set to take off. Table of Contents Co-location and its
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Liquid air energy storage explained

Liquid air energy storage explained

Liquid air energy storage explained Read along to see the 5 questions we asked Phelas, an innovative company focusing on a particular energy storage technology to foster the energy transition: liquid air energy storage. Table of Contents What problem does Phelas solve? Phelas was founded to turn a very simple vision into reality. We want
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Authorization procedures for Italian renewables​
Authorization Procedures for Italian Renewables The following article explains the authorization procedures for Italian for Italian renewables following the introduction of new frameworks regarding renewable energy installations in Italy according to the official decree. Table of Contents The Aid Decree On July 14, the Senate renewed its confidence in the Government by definitively approving, in
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Zinc-ion batteries
Zinc-ion battery storage – Q&A with Enerpoly To diversify away from lithium-ion batteries, zinc-ion might be an alternative. To get more knowledge, we asked Enerpoly, an innovative company trying to put zinc-ion batteries on the table of energy storage, how they see zinc-ion in the future. Table of Contents What is the Enerpoly innovative perspective
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Agrivoltaics in Italy
The Ultimate Guide On Agrivoltaics In Italy With the formal guidelines regarding agrivoltaics in Italy in place, this article acts as an easy and straight-forward guide on agrivoltaics in Italy following the official definitions. Table of Contents The definition of agrivoltaics in Italy Agrivoltaic plant is the one which: i) adopts innovative integrative solutions with
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Energy grid in Florida, United States

Grid codes and why they matter

What are grid codes, and why they matter An increasing number of countries aim to replace polluting conventional generators with clean renewables. This would lead to solar and wind production covering almost 80% of the total generation. The change in the electric system going from dispatchable conventional generators to renewables production will require investments and
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Why renewable projects have different returns​
In the example, the return would vary from 5.8% to 8% to 11% for the same project – all depending on the definition of ”return” that we are using.
Agrivoltaic incentives in Italy
Incentives for Italian agrivoltaics The agrivoltaic sector characterizes itself by hybrid use of agricultural lands, which means installing PV plants that is enabling both agricultural production and the production of electricity from renewable sources. This article takes a look at the incentives for Italian agrivoltaics. Table of Contents Agrivoltaic incentives in Italy Following the goals
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Combine harvester driving underneath the MONTICELLI D'ONGINA plant.
Agrivoltaics: The new no-limit photovoltaics The Agrivoltics technology has the potential to unleash a chain of double value, for agriculture and fertile land but also for solar energy production: the interaction between the two is fundamental to help not only the energy transition, but also to avoid fertile land to be expropriated for one only
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What is ISEM?

What is ISEM?

What is ISEM? The Wholesale Electricity Market on the island of Ireland is undergoing significant change to integrate with European markets and to align with 2030 policy objectives to achieve 70% renewable generation in the electricity sector. With The Integrated Single Electricity Market (ISEM), which was introduced on October 1st, 2018, changes to the way energy is
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The benefits of agrivoltaics
What are the benefits of agrivoltaics? Agrivoltaics are quickly gaining momentum as the technology to let power generation and agriculture work hand-in-hand. In this article we take a few steps back from the political discussions surrounding solar panels and agriculutre, and focus on the benefits of agrivoltaics. What’s in store What is agrivoltaics? Agrivoltaics is
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Are bigger PV modules better?​

Are bigger PV modules better?​

Are bigger PV modules better? After the industry switched to larger wafer sizes in 2019, the trend towards larger PV modules—exceeding 2 meters in size and 500 W in power output—has become prominent. These advancements bring both opportunities and challenges in system design, installation, and long-term operation. Table of Contents Does larger always mean better?
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Solar Panels
How we fail at solar power generation projections On this article, Solar professional and project developer John Fitzgerald Weaver explains to us how we fail at solar power generation projections. Table of Contents Introduction Projected lives of solar power plants are 50% longer than a decade ago. This is because we test our solar panels aggressively, and laser focus on facility
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Crucial elements in a solar project teaser
The 11 crucial elements of a solid solar project teaser.
Most common problems with solar panels
Problems with panels can result in a production loss of up to 20%. We have listed the five most common problems with panels for you.
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