Wind turbines located in a hilly countryside
The global push for renewable energy is undeniable.   As corporations and governments race to meet ambitious sustainability targets, the demand for renewable projects is skyrocketing. Getting the necessary investments remains a significant hurdle for many developers. This is where matchmaking comes in – a strategic yet simple approach that connects developers with the perfect investment
Wind turbines installed nearby house

Overcoming NIMBY

Thursday, 18 April 2024 by
NIMBY Overcoming NIMBY How a large developer overcame NIMBY Developers of renewable energy projects have likely encountered the difficult obstacle course of local opposition against renewable projects. Termed NIMBY (Not in my back yard), this phenomenon, while not new, continues to plague efforts worldwide to ramp up renewable energy installations in pursuit of decarbonization targets,
Why developers fail when talking to investors does not come down to just one thing. To increase your odds of getting the green light from investors, we unveil common mistakes developers make when talking to investors. Renewable energy witnessed a substantial influx of global investments in 2023, reaching approximately USD 2.8 trillion. Notably, over USD
Arial view of BESS project
Five ways to boost insurers’ confidence in BESS projects With BESS failures having increased ten-fold, here’s your guide to getting sceptical insurers onside. Battery energy storage system (BESS) failures have increased ten-fold since 2016, with “issues pertaining to the quality and performance of BESS” among the major causes, according to a new study published by
Tesla car charging at a fast-charging station
Is the EV rollout facing gridlock? As the European Union takes a decisive step towards a greener future by mandating a 90% reduction in CO2 emissions from new trucks and buses by 2040, the impending face-out of fossil fuel vehicles in heavy transport raises concerns about potential gridlock in the EV rollout. The laudable environmental
Wind Turbine Tower Being Installed
Wooden turbine towers: The key to lower prices? Modern wind turbines stand as key players in steering the world towards Net Zero by 2050. Yet, to meet this target, the challenge lies in adding approximately 33,000 wind turbines annually and quintupling current installation growth by decade’s end. The hurdle? Soaring steel and commodity prices hamper
Addressing the recycling challenge associated with wind turbine blades, particularly in a cost-effective manner, has long been a concern for operators of renewable wind projects. While the decommissioning responsibilities typically fall on project owners, the focus has largely been on industrialized decommissioning, neglecting the crucial aspect of constructing high-performance blades from more sustainable materials. The
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Solar panel decommissioning is at an inflection point. Shifts in commodity prices and secondary markets, coupled with rising costs and inflation are calling traditional assumptions about decommissioning into question. Between a massive oversupply of new panels, falling prices, and rising costs, solar decommissioning has become more expensive than many utilities and other solar owners initially
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